Monday, March 12, 2018

Meditation cures many psychological problems

Meditation also cures many psychological problems. A lady came to see me because she had undertaken many medical examinations, as well as psychological and psychiatric testing, without successfully finding the cause of her depression. Although the doctors were able to give her condition many interesting new names, she was still depressed. After she discussed her problems with me, I said to her, "Do you know why you are depressed? Just think about this and you will be surprised. Your depression is the result of having a great vision and not being able to actualize that vision." She began to cry when she realized how true this was.

When a person's soul begins to respond to the vision that life as he knows it is not all there is to life, that he is living in misery but something else is calling him, he becomes depressed. He sees the mess and deplores it, but he is, nevertheless, living in it. At this point the Spirit rebels and exerts a powerful pressure upon the personality. This is experienced as depression.

The solution is meditation: the technique of slowly allowing oneself to fuse with his vision and actualize it. The more able a person is to actualize his vision, the happier he becomes. His labor and enthusiasm increase, and he finds that he no longer has the time nor inclination to be depressed.

People often think that the vision is "somewhere out there," but it is not. The vision we sense is within us; it is our Inner Glory, our potential for spiritual bliss. When one brings this into actualization, he is never depressed because the Spirit is incapable of depression. It is the Almighty Presence which is everywhere, in everything. How could Divinity be depressed?

-Torkom Saraydarian
Meditation vol.1

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