Monday, April 30, 2018

The life that you are living is not necessarily what you want now, but you build it by your past

You can have the "money", but where are you using it? Next life you will have money or not according to how you spent money in this incarnation. If you wasted it, next time you will be a beggar because a chance was given to you to use that energy for everything great in the Universe. The beggars we see everywhere once upon a time had a good amount of money, and they misused it. The same thing can happen to your voice. For example, a baby is born without a larynx. Maybe five hundred years ago she was singing low level songs in a cabaret. Whatever you misuse, those misused things are taken from your hands. If you misuse your sexual energy, next life you will be impotent, and you will be around the most beautiful girls or boys. You might be born with a normal, body, but hate sex. You will suffer because of your misuse.

The life that you are living is not necessarily what you want now, but you build it by your past. Everything is mathematically correct because all around the planet and the solar system is a gigantic "Computer." Those who are sitting at the head of these Computers are the Lipika Lords, the Karmic Lords. There are tiny "disks" for each person. They put information in the Computer and say, "Ah ha, you monkey! Next life you are going to pay," and you automatically do whatever is programmed for you because you are the slave of your own deeds. It is your mental, emotional, and physical deeds that control you.

By the Law of Opportunity a little window of time and space is given to you, then closed. If you get into that space, you can benefit and change yourself. If not, your life will be all automatic and mechanical. Americans talk about free will, but what freedom are you talking about? There is no free will. You are really the slave of your deeds, and you are saying, "I am so free."

-Torkom Saraydarian
Meditation vol.1

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