Wednesday, May 23, 2018

It is very important to speak good about those who have left their bodies

It is very important to speak good about those who have left their bodies. Even if they had very little good in their life, it must be emphasized and anything else must be forgotten. This is because the remembrance of dark records of their life either reimpresses them or gives them intense suffering. In addition, they must be forgiven by those who are still alive. Forgiveness releases them from many chains. Thoughts can reach them instantaneously, and they hear our thoughts and think we are directly talking with them. This is why our thoughts and words must carry blessings, forgiveness, and wishes for the future happiness of the departed ones.

It is very good to repeat the following mantram any time the memories of the departed ones come to our mind: "May their soul be blessed, and may they proceed on the path of enlightenment." Such a mantram, if pronounced with sincere desire and love, blooms on their path as lilies of light.

We must give them as much love as we can and suggest that they exercise all the virtues that they possibly had while on earth. The vices of the departed ones must not be discussed or even mentioned because such conversations stimulate the seeds of their vices, especially if they are on the lower strata of the astral plane.

-Torkom Saraydarian
Other Worlds

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