Tuesday, June 05, 2018

Competition is not for disciples

Competition is not for disciples. On the contrary, as you become closer disciples to Christ, you try to make other people more beautiful than you are. You sacrifice yourself. The Tibetan Master says that disciples for a long time, even they do not progress because they have so much to do for others to make others progress that they forget totally themselves. Because of this self-forgetfulness, they take initiation without being aware that they took initiation.

If you are serving me for some reason, for some expectation, you are not going to take initiation. But if you totally forget yourself, suddenly you will find yourself in higher levels because you did it -- you forgot yourself. Competition is not for disciples, for initiations, for the spiritual path. That is the worldly path, and it is a satanic path. People do not see it because in competition they start benefiting and this benefit lures them, blinds them. Eventually what happens? Everybody loses because they are all competing.

In competition there is hatred, there is revenge, there is jealousy, there is mine and yours, there are tricks, there is violence; there are millions of things, and you are seeing it. What is the world doing now? It is competing. We are competing. Every moment it is in our bones. That virus entered. We compete. "I am talking better than she is. I am dressed better than she is. My hair is better than theirs." You are competing unconsciously. Subconsciously you are in it. You can compete with only one thing: How can I be like Christ? Compete. Come on.

-Torkom Saraydarian
Meditation vol.2

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