Sunday, July 22, 2018

In the future our whole military system will be controlled by thinking

In a very short time, let us say in five hundred years' time, our whole military system will be controlled by thinking. The wars will be transferred onto the mental plane, and physical and astral weapons will become totally obsolete. Human beings will use the power of their thought to fight or to cooperate. Meditation is the training to learn cooperation. Those who do not learn meditation but cultivate their mind will be considered the failures of evolution.

At this time of human history everyone is forced to think. Thinking is gradient. The deeper a person thinks, the farther he progresses on the spiritual path and gradually becomes one of the instructors, Teachers, and leaders of humanity.

People think that all these conflicts going on in the streets, and all these military movements carried over the battlefields have nothing to do with subjective movements going on in the consciousness of humanity. Actually the very cause of these movements is the evolutionary growth of the spirit of freedom which systematically and cyclically is destroying all those thoughtforms that are perpetuating tyranny in all its forms - political, religious, and economic and feeding separativeness and animosity between nations.

-Torkom Saraydarian
Meditation vol.3

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