Friday, December 28, 2018

Economy is related to the Light of Intelligence

Economy is related to the Light of Intelligence. Unless one is extremely intelligent he cannot understand the importance of the Law of Economy, or use it in his daily life.

Economy does not mean stinginess. Stinginess means to use the resources of the world only for your own pleasures. Economy means to use the resources of the world purposefully, goal-fittingly, and in right dosage.

Unfortunately, humanity began to follow a philosophy of waste. Vanity and ego and the pursuit of pleasures are the cause of waste. Our advertisement system encourages us every day to waste our money and time. We buy things we do not really need. We buy things to manipulate or exploit others.

Once a wise man told me that the population explosion is the result of waste.

The Law of Economy can be used by those who have discrimination or discernment.

-Torkom Saraydarian
Cosmic Questions vol.2

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