Monday, January 28, 2019

Two Laws of Health

Illness, sickness and disease are fundamentally the result of an inharmonious relationship of the bodies or vehicles with the Soul. When your physical, emotional, and mental bodies are not in harmony with the vibration or frequency of the Soul, no matter what you do externally, you will be sick. This is the first Law of Health.

The body lives longer once it is totally fused with the Soul and the life energy circulates within it without any hindrances and frictions. Of course, this is not easily achieved as we have many years or lives behind us in which we lived a life that was not in harmony with the Soul, and thus for ages we created causes of disease and sickness. But this does not mean that one cannot minimize these causes and eventually have a healthy body.

We can also say that health is the manifestation of the harmony of the spiritual realms.

The second Law of Health states that a disease is the result of an ancient error. Fifty years ago you may have used drugs, or exposed yourself to music created by a mentally sick and spiritually retarded person. These past errors may have created urges which were repressed by various means, but one day they may come into action again and create disturbances in your system. It may be that you committed mental, emotional, and physical crimes in the past or in past lives; they eventually come back to you in the form of disease or in the form of misfortune.

Great Teachers taught us that we can eliminate such past errors by living a sacrificial life, a life of love, and a life of selfless service and harmlessness. People do not realize that a life lived at the expense of others will put a heavy tax on them and retard their own evolution. Total healing cannot be achieved by trying to erase the memories of past events or past errors but by actually paying them back with acts of love, sacrifice, and service.

-Torkom Saraydarian
New Dimensions in Healing

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