Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Karma can be exhausted only on the physical plane

Karma can be exhausted only on the physical plane. Karma created on the physical plane will have its effects on the astral and mental planes when the human soul leaves his physical body and enters the astral and then the mental planes. It is his karma created on the physical plane that will determine his condition on the astral and mental planes. But the karma will not be exhausted while in these planes. The person will come back and pay his past debts on the physical plane itself.

Once all our karma is paid on the physical plane, we will be free not to incarnate again. Of course, it is possible to come again to the physical plane with a physical body, but it will not be by the pressure of the karmic forces but by our free will to serve the Plan of the Hierarchy and the Purpose of God.

Many Great Ones come to the world just to serve. Their life does not create karma because They live a harmless and sacrificial life.

Karma cannot be created in the subtle and fiery worlds.

-Torkom Saraydarian
New Dimensions in Healing

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