Monday, March 11, 2019

The inhabitants on the etheric plane.

On this plane we find many trapped discarnate souls. This is the closest sphere to the earth and to the life on earth. Many of the inhabitants are those who passed away through committing suicide. They usually stay on that plane the number of years they were going to live on earth had they not committed suicide.

Those who passed away in wars are instantaneously crowded into the etheric plane and are in great confusion and agony. Most of them are not aware of what happened to them, but they know that their life is different from that on the physical plane. Often they are full of revenge, hatred, and passion, and they continue their fight on this plane in a continuous nightmare.

Most of the war dead obsess or possess those who led them to war or those who fought against them, or sometimes those who fought with them in order to encourage and increase their revenge and hatred against their enemies. Many of those who return from wars physically unharmed have deep troubles in their psychological systems and are never the same as before. War not only destroys bodies but also paralyzes the human psyche for a long time.

On the etheric plane are also found those earthbound people who are tied to the earth through their possessions, hidden treasures, or attached relationships. They wander around those living on earth who are deeply attached to material forms and other living beings attached to others to enjoy their etheric or emotional emanations. Often they try to possess living beings just to satisfy their own cravings for material objects, possessions, and positions.

On the etheric plane can also be found many kinds of beings who are called nature spirits, or devas of mountains, rivers, flowers, and trees.

-Torkom Saraydarian
New Dimensions in Healing

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