Monday, April 29, 2019


There is a phenomenon which appears and reappears again and again in the history of humanity. You can see it occurring at different times, in different places: masquerade parties, shows, festivals, dances, ceremonies, etc., in which people use disfigured masks, animal figures, satanic images, or they paint their faces to make them look ridiculous, outrageous, ugly, and so on. People have felt delight and pleasure in such festivities without knowing that the degeneration of human morals, health, labor, and striving begins with such festivities.

Historic research will clearly prove that before great failures, degeneration, increase in crime, and destruction, such festivities took a prominent place in the life of nations. The reason for such a destructive effect on human morals, existence, and health is as follows:

Through masquerading, one tries to build an identity beyond his real, essential identity. If one has an identity, he introduces into his identity a strange identity and creates disturbances and distortion in his essential identity. If he has no identity, he adopts the identity of the mask and his consciousness works within the programming received through the mask.

In our etheric, astral, and mental bodies there are found the prototypes of the form we have. For example, the etheric body is the model on which the physical body is built. Masquerading is an effort to introduce changes in the prototype and condition it to create a form in which we can mask ourself.

The prototype can gain and grow in power with any improvement, but it suffers and creates great tension when imposed upon by lower forms and inharmonious figures. Such a distortion first damages the spirit of striving, improvement, and harmony; then the degeneration of the person and the group starts.

Your real prototype is the basis of your identity. Trying to create a lower form in your consciousness is an effort to dissolve your identity.

Every human being is a seed, and he must try to make his seed bloom. Any effort to make a rose bloom as a weed is involutionary and retrogressive. You must bloom as the seed you are.

Masquerading is a forceful imposition on your prototype -the blueprint- and a cause of inner confusion. Actually, confusion is the first sign of losing your identity.

The crimes that are continually presented to us by our television programs and movies will create non-identities because the real, non-criminal essence of the human soul will adopt a new identity in the form of a criminal, and his evolution will retard for ages.

The conflict between your true identity and the false identity imposed upon you will result in sickness, diseases, crimes, depression, confusion, and suicide. That is how a person, a group, and nations end. Once your imagination is forcefully impressed by the ugly image, your imagination will try to manufacture you according to that image.

The real blueprint is the "image of God" in which you are created. It is a force, a source of energy, an urge, and it wants you to bloom into it.

Any force distorting that blueprint ends in disaster.

It is very interesting to note that our physical body may enjoy masquerade parties, clowns, etc., and we may also enjoy them emotionally and try to justify their existence philosophically, even politically. But all these positive responses do not prevent the danger of distortion, disturbances, and confusion in our prototype. Rather, these positive responses invite, attract, and make us fuse ourself with the presented ugly image and imprint it strongly upon our consciousness.

Once the image is allowed to reach your inner chambers, the conflict will start within you, and eventually your positive responses will change into painful reactions.

The ugly images, distorted faces, masks, and clowns carry with them a subliminal, powerful suggestion for degeneration. This is a fact not noticed to this day by our prominent politicians, psychologists, and educators.

Once I asked a woman who was in love with an ugly character in a popular film, "Do you want to be in that shape?" She screamed, "No, no, no... My God!" "Why not? You love it so!" "No..." "But that image is part of your consciousness. Can you trace the subtle influences it exercises on you and on your life?"

Sometimes we fight for a lifetime against imported and ugly images and waste precious energy. Sometimes we escape, but sometimes the bad example or the image molds us, and we become that repeated image. Why do we want to import such a danger into our consciousness?

Images of great success, nobility, and heroism will move the world on the path of perfection. These are the images which must be impressed upon the consciousness of humanity.

A person becomes like the one that he loves. This is true physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually.

When you want someone to love you, you dress beautifully, you act beautifully, you speak beautifully because you know in your heart that he or she loves beauty. Beauty builds your identity and the identity in others and assists in your success.

-Torkom Saraydarian
New Dimensions in Healing, p.504-505

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