Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Initiation and Fear

Initiations are the result of victory over fear. Fear is the sign that you are attached to matter. No one can advance while he is controlled by matter.

Fear is hidden in matter; fear is hidden in objects. Whoever identifies with matter, identifies with fear.
In every initiation your control over fear increases.
Ancient initiation ceremonies had to do with something fearful. If the initiate was afraid, he failed.

We are told that each plane is surrounded by forces which prevent entrance into that plane. These forces are mostly forces of fear and the initiate must pass through them to enter that plane. In any major initiation you confront such forces of fear.

Immortality is the destruction of fear. The greatest immortals were those who overcame fear.
Fearlessness makes you virtually immortal even in the memories of people.
Each victory over fear is an initiation.

Fearlessness is of two kinds: One is fearlessness of the personality; the other is the fearlessness of the soul.
The personality appears “fearless” under the influence of fear. Someone may say that he was fearless and killed a man, insulted his teacher, broke the law, or destroyed a city.

The soul on the other hand operates with fearlessness because he is over the fears of the personality.

A fearless person has the following qualities:
He liberates.
He sacrifices.
He uplifts.
He expands.
He protects people from dark attacks.
He risks his life.
He sacrifices his possessions.
He acts under the Divine Will.

Any harmful activity under the guise of fearlessness proves that the person has either emotional attachment, is the slave of his habits and posthypnotic suggestions, or he is mentally unstable or insane.
Fearlessness is the virtue of a healthy mind and healthy, loving emotions.

-taken from Initiation by Torkom Saraydarian

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