Monday, November 10, 2008

Irritation, the Destructive Fire

Here is a list of causes of irritation from the book "Irritation, the Destructive Fire" which is an area which each should hold in vigilance:

1. Agitation of the astral body
2. Stress of temper
3. Hatred, dislike. prejudice, continuous rejection of a person, group or idea
4. A sense of being abused or a sense of being deceived or exploited
5. Reaction to things which do not agree with one's own way of doing things - resentment
6. Thoughts of revenge or plans of destruction
7. Complaining
8. Self-interest, self-sufficiency, and self-satisfaction
9. Criticism, gossip, quarreling
10. Ingratitude
11. Demanding, forcing, intolerance
12. Inferiority complex
13. Impatience and hurry
14. Conscious distortion of facts
15. Intensification of the astral body
16. Noise

This is a most startling list of causes of irritation. And serves as a reminder of a need for daily meditation, contemplation and weekly retreat. Some in this list sorely stand out as a common-daily factors: "Noise," "Complaining," and "agitation of the astral body" to name a few.

T.Saraydarian suggests to watch people who always complain. They develop various disorders and eventually are caught in serious health problems. "A joyous and happy heart does not follow the formation of imperil."

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