Thursday, November 27, 2008

Mechanism of Wishes

A pure wish is an impulse projected out from the Core of the human being as an answer or response to the pull of the Cosmic Magnet. When a pure wish passes through the spheres of our irritations, glamors, illusions, hatreds, and greed, it turns into a destructive force.

A pure wish is a longing for

• expansion of consciousness
• actualization of inner potentials
• freedom from the limitations of matter, time, space, and from influences of lower order
• communication with higher forces
• expression of beauty It is the wish that moves us forward. If we stop wishing, all life eventually will disappear.

We start with material wishes, but a day comes in which we feel tired of wishing and working for matter.
Then we continue our wishes on the line of emotions and use our physical and mental responses to actualize our wishes.

We also have mental wishes to know more, to understand more, to organize, to appropriate, etc. Then we have spiritual wishes such as our wishes for expansion, inclusiveness, continuity of consciousness, contact with higher laws or higher Beings, etc. On all levels it is the impulse of the wish that leads us forward or keeps us constantly busy.

Any wish on any level has a response. This response can be immediate, or it can take a few years or incarnations to reach objectification.
Whatever you want will be given to you, even if you do not really know what the effect will be on you and your life when you receive the things you wished for.
Whatever you sow you will reap. There is no escape.
One must be very careful about what he asks for or wishes.

People think that little wishes do not count.
Sometimes a little wish multiplies in the auric computer more than any big wish. This happens when it tunes in with former similar wishes. Thus, the legend says, a whisper-wish becomes a loud song or a great symphony in the hall of your future.

A wish is a powerful force. Use it carefully, and whenever you wish, make your wish on the principles of Beauty, Goodness, Righteousness, Joy, and Freedom.

Often our wishes are the response to our needs.
How careful we should be to know if our wish is a mechanism to meet our need or a trap built by our vanities.
It is important to wish according to our greatest and most lasting need. If we do not enjoy the outcome of our wishes, it is because we do not wish for exactly what we need.

Our uncontrolled wishes are responsible for the destructive action exercised upon Mother Nature. Our wishes have turned into greed, and now we have ever-increasing pollution and the grave danger it presents, plus increasing greed from an increasing population. Pollution is not only a physical health problem, but also it is a problem of mental health and spiritual direction.

Accumulated gases in the atmosphere not only prevent the healing and creative rays of the Sun and stars from reaching us, but they also distort or prevent impressions coming from higher sources. In the years to come, people will act more insanely and lose their sense of direction.
Crime will increase, and those who are coming into incarnation will have a difficult time surviving. But if the Forces of Light take action and, with the power of Their wisdom, sacrifice, and beauty, awaken people to the great danger, the danger can be avoided. With the help of the Great Ones the New Era can dawn on the earth.

Your wishes affect your future lives on higher planes. A life that makes you happy on the physical plane but will make you miserable on the astral and mental planes must be avoided or must be changed. For example, killing a man on the physical plane does not end your problems. In the astral plane you will have a worse enemy who has superiority over you because of your horrible guilt.

Lying and cheating distort your mental body and create paralysis in it. Although you may enjoy for a while the results of your cheating, when you pass to the mental plane you do not have a healthy vehicle in which to travel or function.

You may break the laws of Nature, but as you ascend to higher planes you see heavier storms confronting you as a result of the laws you have broken. Things you do wrong on this plane become enormous obstacles on your path to higher planes.

In the future, the science of living will be given to those who are going to take important roles in human life.

Practical Suggestions for Wishes

1. Change your wishes into spiritual striving. Increase your observation. Have a goal and make all your small wishes orient themselves to that main goal.

2. Develop contentment to avoid overloading your computer with various unnecessary and petty wishes.

3. Start renouncing certain wishes which either do not help or which hinder your progress toward perfection.

4. Learn the art of indifference and use it often in your relationship with others and with the outer objects of the world.

5. Accept whatever life brings you. Instead of rejecting or identifying with it, try to use it for your selfunfoldment, experience, and service. Remember that most of the things you have received are things which you wanted in various ways.

6. Never wish ill on others. Never pity them. You can help them if you want. Any ill wish harms you and the other person. Try not to make negative wishes even when you are physically ill, depressed, or emotionally upset.

7. Never wish for others if they are in a painful state or are unconscious.

8. Start developing an attitude in which you try to develop more of your inner potentials instead of wishing to have more, to collect more, to possess more.

9. Be happy with the things you have, and do not replace them if they serve their purpose. Do not waste anything. Nature will give you whatever you wish, but Nature never tolerates your wasting things. The Law of Economy is a very powerful law.

10. Meditate on the Law of Economy and see if you are economical with what you have in physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual realms. Do not forget to search for the kingdom of God.

11. Instead of wishing every minute to have something new, try to think what you can give to life.
Start to be a giver rather than a receiver. The more you give, the closer you go to the Soul of Nature.

12. Try to develop the power to examine your wishes and, if you so choose, to stop them or reverse them. This means to bring your wishes under the control of your intuitional light.

Thought & The Glory of Thinking
by Torkom Saraydarian.

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