Wednesday, November 26, 2008

The Wise prefer the Good to the Pleasant

*We rush headlong in pursuit of "the pleasant", oblivious to the damage we are doing to ourselves, our societies and the world around us.

*The Wise prefer the Good to the Pleasant. The foolish, driven by fleshly desires, prefer the Pleasant to the Good.

*We are in a time when humankind chases after material things and fleeting sensual pleasures, forgetting the divine origin and aspect of the human race and of its earthly surroundings; a time when the darkness of Ignorance prevails. Babaji calls this 'The Dark Age'.

*Take only what we need; Do not waste anything!

*If we become more interested in serving others than in attaining things for ourselves we can attain a detachment that dilutes or erases the causes of sorrow and suffering in our lives.

*Real stability or security is an inner attainment; all that is exterior, material, is subject to change and loss.

*For decades the political and economic world has been sowing the seeds of competition, dominance, jealousy, hatred and disharmony and polluting and destroying the world around us. Our societies create higher aspirations for material things and the satisfaction of all human desires.

*The relentless search for 'more and better' leads inevitable to greed, jealousy, competition, hatred, aggression, and to pollution and destruction of the Earth and its atmosphere.

*There are far m
ore enticements in modern life to leave the Path than there are to follow it.


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