Monday, November 10, 2008


Transformation and transfiguration are key "action" words in the world of striving. "Transformation is carried on within our body through kindling and fanning the 'fire by friction,' the latent fire in matter.
The ways this transforming fire is "fanned"

sacrificial service
dedication to a group cause

The flame that is within our body, in the center at the base of the spine, must be raised along the spinal cord and united with the fire of prana, the fire of mind, and the fire of spirit to complete the transformation of the outer person.

As the fire climbs, it manifests
-in the base of spine center as stability
-in the sexual center as the power of procreation
-in the solar plexus as healing
-in the heart center as cooperation
-in the throat center as creativity
-in the ajna center as leadership
-in the head center as leadership, synthesis, and sacrificial service

-Torkom Saraydarian

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