Thursday, December 18, 2008

'Be perfect, as your heavenly Father is perfect'

Humility is a virtue which is misunderstood. To be humble does not mean to endlessly belittle ourselves, but to turn our sights toward the heights, toward those who have surpassed us. When we look at these beings, we instinctively compare ourselves to them, and naturally we see ourselves as very small. This is true, but we must not be content simply to contemplate these magnificent beings and do nothing. We must progress, for true humility leads us toward perfection.

In our desire to imitate those who have surpassed us, we advance. In our desire to become perfect like the Lord, we become truly humble. There are those who claim that in fact this is arrogance, but they are wrong. Did Jesus, who put so much emphasis on humility, intend to encourage arrogance in human beings when he said: 'Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect'? Reflect on this and you will understand how, by taking the attainment of the Lord's perfection as your ideal, you will advance in true humility.

-Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov

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