Friday, December 19, 2008

What is the Aura? An explanation by Torkom Saraydarian

The Aura
The aura is the radiation of the physical, emotional and mental bodies, and, if a person is advanced, the aura also has strong radiations of the Soul and Intuitional, Atmic, Monadic, and Divine energies. All these forces and energies form a field around the physical body. The aura has many colors, continuous fluctuations, and an egg-shaped form. Any thought, emotion, or action changes the colors and waves of the aura.

The aura also should not be confused with the halo seen around the heads of Great Ones. That halo is composed of the radiations of the head center. It expands beyond the head and forms a multicolored sphere. Sometimes the halo is the twelve-petaled Lotus on the higher mental plane; sometimes it is the vehicle of a great Spirit overshadowing the person.

- New Dimensions in Healing, p. 48

The Etheric Body
The etheric body is an electromagnetic field in and around our physical body. This etheric body is the blueprint of our physical body. It is exactly the shape of our physical body except that all its organs and all its structures are etheric. It penetrates the physical body and extends beyond it for one to two inches. Upon this etheric blueprint is built our physical body.

The etheric vehicle is formed by one etheric thread woven into the same shape as the physical body. This thread serves as a tube through which the solar life-giving energy, or prana, circulates. Prana is a fiery energy which permeates the etheric network. Prana is seen as a golden light, and when seen clairvoyantly, the whole etheric body shines out in flame-colored light.

- New Dimensions in Healing, p. 41

The Health Aura
We sometimes hear the term "health aura." The health aura is prana which circulates through a person's etheric body and radiates out. This surface radiation is called the health aura. It is a golden hue, and if it is clear and even over all parts of the body, the health of the body is perfect. But if it loses its radiance and fades away, or in certain parts totally disappears or mixes with grey colors, that location is not healthy and needs immediate attention.

The Pranic Triangle

There are three centers for the assimilation of prana. The first center of prana is located between the shoulder blades. The second one is located immediately above the diaphragm, close to the center of the body. The third center is the etheric spleen, located below the diaphragm and close to the stomach. These three centers form a triangle...

The center between the shoulder blades is affected mostly by our thought currents. The center above the diaphragm is affected by our emotions. The spleen is affected by the quality of the air, by the etheric emanations of other human beings, by the food we eat, by the water we drink, and by the general condition of the body. These centers, being responsible for the reception, assimilation, and transmission of prana, must be in very high order - clean and healthy - so that the incoming prana does not lose its life-giving, energizing, and integrating qualities but regenerates the body as a whole.

Thus, in order to absorb the prana, we must be careful with our thought currents and thought life, keeping our thoughts in a very high order and charged with inclusiveness. Our thoughts must be the vehicles of Beauty, Goodness, and Truth. As we strive toward such standards, the center between the shoulder blades demonstrates more activity and keeps the flow of solar prana circulating rhythmically.

- New Dimensions in Healing, pp. 69- 70

-Torkom Saraydarian

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