Saturday, December 06, 2008

Healing of the future

...In the future, the healing of people will be carried on along these three lines:

-to increase light
-to increase love and joy
-to increase beauty

These are three most important substances which heal almost all kinds of diseases when we learn to accumulate them and use them in our daily life and relationships. It is a strange idea to think that light, love and beauty are substantial, but they are actually electrical and radioactive substances. Light works and is found mostly in the physical, emotional, and mental planes. The substance of love is found in the Intuitional Plane. The substance of beauty is found in higher plains. It is through the utilization of these substances that we dispel inertia, glamor, illusion, and ego. These four contribute highly to the disorders and illnesses of the body.

You can do a daily exercise to bring these substances into usage. For example, visualize for 15 minutes daily that your physical body, emotional body and mental body are turning into vehicles of light, shining out the light of your Core. Think about objects and living forms as if they were condensed, objectified, materialized light.

Visualize for 15 minutes daily the energy of love and joy radiating from your heart center and spreading all over the world, purifying your whole aura from any negativity and dispelling all hatred and separatism in the world.

Or visualize yourself for 15 minutes daily as a beautiful human being, with beauty radiating out through your aura, thoughts, words, emotions, and actions. Try to visualize conditions and events in which your beauty manifests in its highest glory. Very soon you will notice increasing health, happiness, creativity, and magnetism in your life. You will eventually become a source of abundance.

-Torkom Saraydarian
Challenge for Discipleship

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