Saturday, December 06, 2008

In the event of the destruction of our planet

You remember how the Teaching says that the very destiny of the planet is in the hands of man, and also that man makes the earthquakes. Take these statements literally. For precisely, the low thoughts and cravings of humanity (not only on the Earth, but also in the lower spheres of the Subtle World) create this fearful suffocating atmosphere around the Earth which promotes the fusion of the fire of space with the subterranean fire. Only pure, fiery souls are able to discharge this atmosphere, acting somewhat like lightning conductors. This is the reason why the epoch of Fire is so dangerous: it brings purification as well as dreadful disasters, namely the destruction of whole polluted communities and the increase of epidemics - all caused by the subterranean fire.

Only those whose auras are sufficiently purified and who are able to assimilate the fire of space will be able to withstand. That is the reason why it is so urgently necessary to apply the foundations of the Living Ethics into life and, by purity of thought and deed, to transmute our energies.

The waves of the fire of space will be particularly strong in the forties of our century. But the immediate coming years will also bring many explosions. The great testing of our planet is near. Threatening is this future! Let us hope that through great disasters humanity will learn its lesson and will accept spiritual leadership, and thus will alter its destiny.

Certainly, the Lords of Light are taking all measures for the saving of the planet from this dreadful destiny. And if humanity chooses destruction, its better part (and are there many such?) will be transferred to the higher planets. The average mass will go to another planet similar to our own, which will approach Earth in case the explosion occurs. (At the moment this new planet is still not visible.) As for the rest of humanity, they will follow the Prince of the World and be banished with him to Saturn. But alas! no one realizes what retardation in the evolution of the majority of our earthly humanity there will be in the event of the destruction of our planet. What aeons will have to pass before the new "Earth" will be able to provide suitable bodies!

Letters of Helena Roerich Vol I

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