Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Living Dead

"...although on the reality of the physical plane, some people at times seem alive, from the viewpoint of a Higher Reality they are quite dead." (excerpt-Supermundane I, Para. 101)

Commentary by T. Saraydarian
"People think they are alive; they are running around making business, gossiping, slandering, (bearing false witness), or even loving people. They seem alive but something is dead in them.

"But why should such determinations be limited by only physical manifestations? When Our apparatuses indicate death, this indication is more correct than earthly evidence." (Supermundane I, Para. 101)

Commentary by T. Saraydarian
"I found out that they have five kinds of apparatuses and these apparatuses indicate those people who are dead, not physically but emotionally and mentally and spiritually. Immediately when they are dead, They see in the apparatuses that someone is fading out from the life."

"We could mention several such "living corpses," each of whom is afflicted by some physical ailment." (Supermundane I, Para. 101)

Commentary by T. Saraydarian
"According to my investigations there are many kinds of deaths, but I will start from the beginning. Those people who are dead are those whose mental body or astral body has left them. There are many cases that children and adults leave their astral body and when they leave their astral body their physical body operates as usual with the urges and drives of the physical elemental, but they are missing a link which is the astral body. When the astral body leaves the person he loses his sensitivity, he loses his feelings, his ecstasy, his aspirations, and becomes insensitive to human pain and suffering. We have these kind of children now. They are growing. They do not have any emotional body and, because they have no emotional body, they are very cruel, very violent because they do not have any sensitivity about the pains and sufferings of other people.

"There is a more difficult situation when the mental body leaves the human being. When the mental body leaves the human being, that human being goes into inertia. He loses every interest in life. He never does any discipline and he hates discipline. He does not have that determination or willpower in any way, but his physical body lives because the body is a different being.

"The third thing is very interesting. It happens many, many times that the soul leaves the personality. People have their physical body, their emotional body, their mental body, but their soul leaves them. When the soul leaves them they are empty. ... You see these people in many asylums. When that soul has departed, there is no link with the Cosmic rhythm, with the Cosmic existence. Something has left them. They lives as automatons. They live as animals sometimes if the physical body is strong. Sometimes they are criminals because they respond to the criminal incentives of their astral body. Sometimes they are very crude because they follow their mental calculation that is totally earthly and selfish.

"They are dead from the inner side but from the worldly viewpoint they are alive. They walk, they go, they come, but there is something dead in them. The apparatuses do not register life in them. These people turn to crimes, to destruction of life because they feel that something has departed in them and they are empty of life. Because they are empty of life, they want to destroy the life and make it empty as well. ...

-Torkom Saraydarian

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