Wednesday, December 24, 2008

We must be willing to experience suffering

It is normal to want to avoid sadness, disappointment and suffering, but certain ways of going about it are ill-advised. Since it is not easy to resolve the problems that cause suffering, many people seek to anesthetize themselves with tobacco, alcohol, drugs and medications. But this is no solution. We must be willing to experience suffering, for if we know how to understand and work with it, it enables us to evolve.

I am not suggesting that in certain circumstances it isn't useful or even necessary to take medication, but those who systematically run from suffering dull their sensitivity. In doing so, they regress to the vegetable kingdom, or lower still to the mineral kingdom, and this is not what God expects of man. True evolution is not accomplished through a loss of sensitivity. On the contrary, we must develop greater and greater sensitivity until we are able to perceive the slightest vibrations emitted by objects, beings, entities, and entire worlds. And to do this, we must learn to surmount suffering using the methods of spiritual Science."

-Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov

1 comment:

  1. Dear Elena, Date - 27. 12. 08.

    Yes, we must be willing to experience suffering. True indeed. Now let us see the other side of what you think as settled. It is immense from the point of view of a great genius.

    '...what God expects of man.'--Who's God and where's he? "The Concept of God" is something of great concern. How can I help you with the same, please?

    Again, there's much to know about the essence of Miracle. And that again when I say something to highlight 'Embodimemt of Miracle'.

    Enough food for thought has been expounded by Ma-Mahajnan, expressed in a state of 'Conscious Trance'. However, your response is most desired.

    Without any introduction I would like to draw your kind attention to numerous discourses, songs and sermons of Ma-Mahajnan, expressed in a state of ‘Conscious Trance’. There are two things of great importance in her philosophy of life and they should be realized by every human being before one aims at the ultimate goal.

    One is as Ma-Mahajnan, the matchless genius, proclaims in very many ways—There’s no rebirth. All that we have to do encompasses only one life. There is no scope for elevation or manipulation in the next birth, since it is simply out of question. It obviously goes against the purport of the Vedas and other parallel philosophies where rebirth appears.

    The other is very striking, indeed. “The origin of everything—living and non-living, is nothing but something vaporous.” Mother’s realization doesn’t tally at all with Darwinism, which is now widely accepted. In the question of awakening our spirit of fighting against Terrorism Mother’s philosophy of life may help us to a great extent.

    Ma-Mahajnan may be challenged in the light of her works—especially with ‘Unraveling of the Mystery of the Universe’. To begin with deep realization and philosophical thought-sequence, there are a few books in print like ‘On The Quest’ ‘Genius is Basically Knowledge’ and so many others simply unique even from literary point of view.

    Taking these aspects into contemplation, we want to build up a Research Institute where scientific outlook will assess the philosophical ideas and religious ideals to provide future generations with proper knowledge in the attainment of peace and perfection in one life.

    Regards, Prosad.
