Wednesday, February 11, 2009

All of humanity's difficulties are caused by a lack of light

Depending on our temperament, we all feel the need for something: money, glory, pleasures, love, justice, peace and so on. People are prepared to move heaven and earth to get what they believe they need. And there are so many things to ask for! But how often have you heard anyone say: 'I need light. I have to have light'? No, most humans do not value light very much, and they fail to see the consequences of being without it.

But the consequences of being without light are actually very serious: all of humanity's difficulties and tribulations are caused by a lack of light. Those who are without light are not likely to find what they are looking for, or, if they find it, they are not likely to keep it. Do you imagine that without light you can have love, justice or peace for long?

-Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov

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