Wednesday, February 11, 2009

What is a disciple

There are many definitions of what a disciple is, but the most appropriate definition is that a disciple is an efficient person. To be efficient means to have command of one's mechanism and of life in general, at an increasing pace. An efficient person can put causes into action and produce results. He acts as a spiritual dynamo and creates activities in far-off places. He is a charge of psychic energy; through his thoughts, words, actions and enthusiasm he makes machines and factories operate in many realms. He initiates causes that further the evolution of people.

A disciple is able to think, to speak, and to act independently without serving the interests of separate parties. He is also able to keep silent, to renounce, and to disappear. He is often recognised by what he does not do and by what he does not say or even think. He is able not to follow associative suggestions and bribery; he keeps his mind clear.

Challenge for Discipleship
by Torkom Saraydarian

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