Friday, February 27, 2009

When you plan for things to go your way...

When you plan for things to go your way then you have invited troops of worry to enter your home. Let your focus be only one, to be at peace always, at every moment, with each one. With worry comes emotion and emotion is the journey of the one that sees but is determined to be blind. Such a one will make peace as his last resort and to that one God and truth appear least worthy.

Be peaceful, be soft, be aware that your own follies, your own backward way of thinking lead you into the pits of worry and depression. Climb out of them and make a resolve, "I will let nothing turn me away from peace. I will accept all as His will, His grace, His plan. I will not resist that I will always be aware that I am in His hands and I am His." That is peace!

-Sai Baba

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