Sunday, March 01, 2009

How to know that a man is a God-realised person?

"How to know that a man is a God-realised person?" Put in a third officer. The Master replied, "You yourself must first get God- realisation, then alone will you know whether another has realised God or not. Only a Shakespeare can really know a Shakespeare. Only a Jesus can know a Jesus. A scientist alone can understand the work of another scientist. A bullock-cart driver cannot know anything about protons and electrons."

Another officer asked, "How to know that a Guru is a perfect Guru?"

"The same applies to your question also. You cannot know whether a Guru is perfect or not until you yourself have become perfect, until you yourself have attained God-realisation."

-Swami Sivananda


  1. To understand another at a higher level... we need asking our inner self! It is our soul atman that has manifested the human form to work out its karma... remove the dross impurities within! Our soul atman is the master and controller of the body. By hearing the sweet small inner voice that seems to come from within our heart... we can always arrive at truth!

    This voice of our soul atman always guides us on the right path. This voice does not belong to the human body... it is the voice of our soul atman! By following the path of absolute truthfulness... every human being can hear the dictates of the soul atman from within... never otherwise!
