Saturday, April 04, 2009

The criteria you can recognize a true spiritual master

You ask by what criteria you can recognize a true spiritual master. It is very simple: a spiritual master must fulfill at least three conditions. First, he must possess knowledge of the essential, which is to say, not what human beings have written, created or recounted, but knowledge that is essential according to initiatic Science.

Secondly, a master must be able to govern and control everything within himself. Someone who is not able to bring peace and harmony to the workings of his inner life can always arrange to be called 'master', but he is not one, and this title he does not merit will only serve to make him look ridiculous. Nature does not recognize human diplomas; she awards diplomas only to those who possess the science of the essential and have learnt to master themselves.

And the third criteria?' You ask. This concerns a quality which is even more difficult to acquire: the ability to dedicate this science and self-mastery to the service of love, for the good of the entire world.

-Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov

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