Saturday, April 04, 2009

Natural calamities and Crises - Torkom Saraydarian

There are many Cosmic dangers:

dangers from
disintegrated planets,
comets, constellations,
electrical storms,
floods of energy in Space,
tidal waves of forces
created by earthquakes
within great deserts
of energy fields
in Solar and Cosmic spheres.

There are explosions
of energy accumulations
in Space.

Our earth
and other planets and systems,
are little boats
on the ocean
of the living, mighty
waves of Space.

The Captain of our boat
is on duty twenty-four hours,
millions of years,
to lead the boat
to the destined shore
of Future Perfection.


For many centuries people have thought that natural calamities or disasters were:

· -Warnings of the Greater Power.

· -Punishment for our wrong way of living which is against the Will of that Great Power.

· -The result of the Law of Cause and effect.

· -The result of our own thoughts, emotions and deeds.

There is great meaning behind these views.

We know that all globes and systems, including our earth, are floating in and are operated by electromagnetic forces. This ocean of electromagnetic forces is the sphere in which our planet evolves through all of its kingdoms toward a planned destination. The electromagnetic sphere is built, basically, of three kinds of energy which is common language are known as ‘intellect’, ‘love’, and ‘fire’ or ‘will’.

These three energies are the source of our existence, life and evolution. They make up the field in which all life forms on the planet live and move and have their being. They balance and lead the total planetary life into progressive development under a greater Plan of the Solar System. We are told that around the planet these energies have their centers and their geometrical network through which they reach each living being, each man, endeavouring to keep the way of evolution, the path toward greater consummation, open within and before all forms.

Man is a replica of our planet. He moves in the same kind of individual atmosphere, has the same energies and corresponding centers to make contact with the greater whole. This is the reason that man reflects or responds to all events that occur in the great energy field, as an inseparable unit of that global field. His thoughts, his emotions, his deeds make an immediate impression upon the energy field and eventually bring forth response in various forms.

These thoughts, emotions and deeds are actually charges of energy which not only penetrate the great ocean of energy, but which also build cloudy formations around the globe. When such formations reach a certain point of density, power and radioactivity, they cause great destructive or constructive effects upon the kingdoms of the globe. The nature of their content, or their polarization, determines whether the effect will be destructive or constructive. These cloudy formations either channel global energy or hinder its flow, for good or for destructive purposes. When they disappear by exhausting themselves, we see again the rainbow in the sky.

An interesting story in the Old Testament tells of three Great Beings who came to the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah. There they found a righteous man and warned him that They were going to destroy the two cities. They said that the cities were to be burned because of the wickedness of their people, and it came to pass. Those cities and “… all inhabitants of the cities, and that which grew upon the ground,” were burned. (Genesis 19:25)

What has wickedness to do with the destruction of cities by fires or earthquakes? The answer is that wickedness, a life lived against love, against light, against the purpose of the globe, creates disturbances in the spheres, charging the negative formations and eventually spurring them into action. Natural catastrophes are the result of this action.


The Ancients used to say that collective lies form the nucleus of typhoons and that they are also the causes of earthquakes. How can this be considered unscientific, if we remember that disturbances in the collective mind are disturbances of forces within and around Nature?

Success and prosperity are the result of harmony and integrity. Nature blooms and birds sing only because of the harmony in their cores. The violent reactions of Nature are an effort to offset all those elements which induce disharmony into Its system of energies.


When natural calamities, in the form of earthquakes, fires, floods, hurricanes and epidemics, occur in certain places, much of the heavy load of karma is lightened or burned away in those places. After such disasters, a new beauty and a better life begin there. These disasters help people to realize the greatness of the might of Nature and the insignificant power of the human being, with all his scientific knowledge and accumulated wealth, to find protection against Her.

The substance of the three worlds moves toward involution, toward manifestation, toward materialization and diversity, and man gradually falls into the inertia of matter, covering himself with a thick blanket of material possessions. He enters into the dream states of his pleasures and uses his mind to satisfy his separated life. Natural calamities or disasters may serve to give him a stormy shock which often cracks the shell of identification with matter and lets light flow into his consciousness; this light may lead him into more freedom, more complete detachment from the three worlds and may shed more light upon the path of his eternal journey.


When humanity creates obstacles on the path of harmonious development of the global life, its own obstacles form a charged cloud of negative energy which, in due time, comes down and strikes its originating source and place in the form of volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, fires, the submerging of continents, and other natural calamities. The result of such catastrophes is a clearing away of hindrances and the establishing of harmony within the energy field of the globe and of the Solar System.

A parallel happening takes place in our individual lives. Our physical body is floating within the etheric, emotional and mental bodies which are under they rhythm of the Inner Presence. When things go wrong in any of these bodies through our lies, hatred, jealousies, in wasting precious energies, or in wrong mental activities and negative attitudes, we create disturbances within these bodies. Sooner or later these disturbances come down and affect the condition of our physical body. In a sense, our physical body is the shadow of our etheric body. Any change in the etheric body reflects on the physical body. Because of this fact, we are told that in the coming centuries, medicine will deal, primarily, with the etheric body in the healing of the physical body.

Each man has (as does the whole of humanity), according to his own level of consciousness, a certain quota of energy which he uses according to his own power of discrimination. He may waste it through excessive sex, or he may try to raise it for higher creative purposes to produce masterpieces of art, scientific discoveries or healing radiations. When he changes his level and stands upon a higher plane, his quota of energy increases because of the increasing efficiency of his etheric and higher centers. At this point his responsibility to these energies increases. If he misuses them, he burns his lower centers and disturbs the corresponding glands of the physical body, inviting pain and suffering upon himself. To misuse means that, instead of using energies on their own levels, man uses them on lower levels to satisfy his physical and emotional desires.

The individual and perhaps all of humanity misuse energy – particularly the sex energy. This energy is one of the most valuable in the mechanism of man. It stands between spirit and matter and can enrich the spiritual life of man when sublimated, or impoverish it, if wasted. The wasting of sex energy creates great disturbances in the subtle bodies. These disturbances come back to the physical mechanism causing complications. For this reason, great emphasis is laid upon the importance of sexual moderation and its creative use. In those places where this energy is actually wasted in great quantities, destruction occurs through natural calamities.

Sex energy is a very valuable energy because it proceeds to become vitality, sensitivity in the brain cells, impressionability in the aura, creativity in the mind, magnetism and healing radiation in the centers. Through it we provide the materials or substance to build our higher vehicles on individual and global scales. For this reason it should not be wasted, but should be used for procreative purposes, and to create beauty, transmutation and bliss. When wasted in massive quantities by nations or large groups of human beings, the entire mechanism of human beings or nations cannot respond to creative energies, but rather distorts them, causing imbalance which invites destruction. Many nations and groups have been destroyed in this way.

People sometimes think that the source of energy is inexhaustible. This is true if you are at a stage in which you do not use the energy for any personal pleasure and satisfaction, but use it only to further the Divine Purpose. Below this level, your quota of energy is limited. This accounts for the fact that when people feel a lack of sexual energy, they consume more food and use more alcohol or other stimulants to fill the vacuum. Those who are engaged in higher meditation and magical works of the Soul are creating a great fire within themselves. It sometimes happen that fire is created, but we do not have adequate protection around the fire because of the misuse of our valuable substances. Thus, the fire burns our vehicles, causing many physical disorders. Imagine how this will affect the planetary balance, if the majority of people are using etheric, emotional and mental energies against the ordained Will of the Cosmic Magnet.

-Torkom Saraydarian

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