Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Negative words create the conditions for misfortune

Make sure you weigh your words carefully, for even when you don't really mean the negative things you say, undesirable entities can use the substance of these words to make them come true. And you have no right to reproach these beings, for it is up to you not to provide them with the means to do harm.

In certain countries people have a habit of cursing; they swear at their parents, their children and their neighbours for any reason whatsoever. This is a very bad habit, for these words create the conditions for misfortune. You must therefore be extremely vigilant.

It is also best not to end a conversation on a negative note, for according to a certain law, these words will continue to act. Even if you find it necessary to criticize someone, avoid ending on a criticism. This person must have at least one good quality, so mention it and stop there.

-Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov

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