Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Cycles of new Energies

There are cycles in which new energies are poured into the sphere of our globe, or into the sphere of our Solar System. They provide great opportunities for progress and initiations. Within these cycles occur cycles of crises which must be handled wisely to preserve the equilibrium or harmony of the Planetary Life. The energies pouring in are impersonal energies and can be destructive or constructive in their immediate effect, according to the level of consciousness upon which they make their impact. At the time of their release, if they contact harmful and destructive thoughtforms, thoughtforms that are against Light, Love and Divine Will, they create great upheavals, revolutions, wars and natural calamities. If, however, these energies contact thoughtforms of unity, love cooperation and gratitude, they become sources of tremendous creativity.

Therefore, in these cycles, it is imperative that the aspirants, disciples and Initiates of the world be alert and wakeful, and that they live sacrificial lives of great beauty, making it possible for these energies to create right human relations, foster goodwill, further the idea of unity and synthesis, and thus break down the barriers existing among nations, paving the way to one humanity.

Most people think that flowers and birds are created to be used by man for hid enjoyment and satisfaction. They may be used for these purposes, but they have greater roles to play. They are ‘electron tubes’ which transmute certain healing energies to human beings, without which the human kingdom would suffer tremendously. They also cleanse heavy layers of base atmosphere. They serve to establish harmony and rhythm. The singing of birds and the fragrance of flowers have a destructive effect on negative emotions and base thoughts floating in the atmosphere. It is important to purify the atmosphere of your garden with fragrant and colorful flowers. Fragrance and color are vibrations which have a great effect on the psychic world. You must also try to attract as many birds as possible to your garden, because their songs will open pure channels between you and the deva kingdoms. It is not advisable to keep birds in cages. An imprisoned bird does not sing as does a free bird. It is they hymns and songs of free birds that should fill the air around us.

Smog and many poisonous gases, the result of human greed, are destroying our flowers, birds and trees. Thus they are leading us to sickness and disease, and are producing a fertile soil for the growth of the dark forces on our planet. Spiritual energies can express themselves in pure air, in the beauty of nature, in fragrance and in the mountains and forests that are clear of poisonous gases. Spiritual energies need healthy birds and flowers of thought, emotions and deeds, that they may pour down the more abundant life of joy and bliss.

One of the greatest tasks of educators is to prepare human beings to serve as healthy ‘tubes’ transmuting benevolent energies into living acts. Only by heightening the quality of sensitivity to spiritual impressions, and by purifying our thoughts, feelings and acts through the fire of love, can we create the needed equipment for safe absorption, digestion and expression of these energies, and thus condition the evolution of life on our planet. In the event that we fail in this preparation, the incoming energies will not reach us. If they do succeed in penetrating through the pollution, they will destroy us because of the pollution of our own low quality development. Even the shifting of the North Pole, which may cause earthquakes, is a means of focusing new energies upon the planet. Every time this shift occurs, we are being given a new opportunity to move ahead on the path of evolution. The destructive effect is not caused by the shift, but by the friction between new energies and dark formations of human crime, greed, glamor and illusion.

Spiritual energies pour down more abundantly during the full moon period. The Tibetan Master strongly advises that at each full moon, disciples and Initiates come together and meditate to absorb these energies and turn them into creative activities and uplifting aspirations. This is accomplished by right thinking and lofty prayers, invocations, meditation and contemplation, expressed through a life of right human relations and goodwill.

One point must be stressed here: when natural calamities occur, we may assume it to be the punishment of God. This is not true. When a man is stricken by sickness, that sickness is there to establish order, equilibrium and eventually, health in his system. Many people think in terms of one life. We believe that each life of ours is but a day in the great life period. All suffering, pain and catastrophes eventually awaken us and cleanse our system of all impurities, establishing light, love and power within us. Indeed, our obstacles must be blessed. The same holds true on planetary and solar scales.

Sunspots are the heartbeats of the Solar Being. When such Solar energies are released, great upheavals may occur because of the chaotic condition of the thought atmosphere surrounding the planet. This same solar energy may also become great creative energy, if it is received, assimilated, absorbed and expressed. Besides the energy released through the sunspots, there are extra-planetary currents of thought energy which may come from lower or higher spheres. They, too, can create positive or negative effects, depending upon the condition of the receivers, users and transmitters.

It is time now to prepare Great Disciples, Great Initiates, who understand Nature and who cooperate with it for evolutionary ends. The New Age, because of great incoming energies, needs group ‘tubes’, group ‘transformers’ and group ‘transmitters’. Through their mode of living, meditation, love and service, they will absorb the many energies, refine the atmosphere, and purify the globe of pollution. Thus will they condition the beneficial effects of the incoming energies.

Very often, after great natural disasters, we turn to spiritual practices, renouncements, disciplines and love. Suddenly we recognize spiritual values, and the urge to serve and protect increases within us. We realize that some of the losses suffered through such crises have great education value which can be stored as treasures and used throughout the ages.

You may lose money, property and many other things, but the lesson learned may prove to be of much greater value than the losses. One minute of right orientation toward the Cosmic Magnet saves your life a thousand years of pain and suffering and leads you toward a life of love. Hatred leads to death. The other name for death is hatred. It leads to darkness, to suffering and to natural calamities.

As we come into closer harmony with our Soul, the energy of Love and the expression of Love increase. Love gives life; Love brings joy; Love creates harmony. Within that harmony, man is born as a Soul and is ready to set his face toward his Eternal Home.

-Torkom Saraydarian

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