Saturday, April 04, 2009

Recovering the spiritual perfume

Tradition has it that in Paradise, in the Garden of Eden, Eve's scent surpassed that of all the flowers. But after the original sin, which represents a descent into the darkest regions of consciousness, she lost her ability to distill scents, and the flowers no longer recognized her. Flowers are pure and chaste and have no astral desire, and seeing the fault Eve had committed, they no longer imparted their virtues to her as they had before.

It is because women still have an unconscious memory of their former state in Paradise that they feel the need to wear perfume. In fact, it is possible for them to recover this scent, but only by re-establishing in themselves their original state of purity, through thoughts, and especially feelings and desires, of the greatest purity.

-Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov

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