Friday, May 29, 2009

Health is unity, illness is division

When you ask people in good heath how they are, they simply respond: 'Fine', and in fact there is nothing more to be said. But ask the same thing of someone whose health is precarious, and the stories are endless! From head to toe, so many parts of the body can become defective! And this leads to numerous complications with regard to eating, drinking, sleeping, breathing, walking and so on. So we can say that health is one, while illnesses are infinite in number, with new ones appearing all the time as a result of people's unreasonable lifestyles.

Our organs are designed to work together to maintain the unity we know as health and life. So you see, health is unity, life is unity, whereas illness or death is division, disintegration, dissipation. All our efforts must therefore lead us to unity, for it is here that we will find salvation.

-Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov

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