Friday, May 29, 2009

Twin-souls and the inviolability of marriage

Letters Of Helena Roerich II, 1939. If, however, one were to cite the most immutable cosmic truths that establish the inviolability of marriage, the majority would undoubtedly use these proclaimed truths to vindicate the violation of it. Thus, if one were to affirm to them that the sacredness and inviolability of marriage has as its basis the great truth about twin-souls, with an eased conscience they will at once start to look for that half which belongs to them, and without fail will find it at someone else's fireside.

There are not a few who explain all their infatuations as cosmic attractions. Is it possible to explain to these people that precisely the purity of their married life will bring them faster and closer to finding the kindred soul? If one were to tell them that during moral licentiousness twin-souls feel an especially sharp antagonism toward each other, they would not believe it and would become indignant. Whereas, only where there is purity of feeling are the most beautiful unions and best possibilities attainable. Owing to the moral degradation of contemporary humanity, a harmonious union is rarest of all, yet only then are the greatest achievements possible in all worlds.

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