Saturday, June 20, 2009

Angels and free will

Angels do not have free will. They form an army, and each member of the army obeys the Will of the Most High. Human beings have free will, but only in a certain sense: when their will is fused with the Divine Will. Man must eventually resign from his free will, study the Will of the Most High, and live according to that Will. Christ achieved such a victory when He said, “Not my will but Thine be done”. In that moment He fused His will with the Divine Will. From that point on, He had the most powerful energy under His control but also the pure wisdom to use it according to the direction of the Father.

Angels live in the stream of the Divine Will, and there is no conflict in them.

Humans think that without free will, no one can progress and advance, but they ignore the fact that freedom is not achieved except when one renounces his free will for the Divine Will. It is also true that if a totalitarian controls your will and you renounce your will, you will never advance on the path of evolution. Totalitarianism is not God’s Will. The Will of God manifests as Beauty, Goodness, Righteousness, Joy, Freedom, solemnity, purity and sincerity. Let these qualities control your will if you want to fuse with the Will of the Most High.

-Torkom Saraydarian

Angels and Devas

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