Saturday, June 20, 2009

Do you want people to be pleased to see you and to spend time with you?

Do you want people to be pleased to see you and to spend time with you? Instead of inflicting your sorrows, worries and ill-humour on others, think how you can bring them joy. People who contaminate the atmosphere with their complaints and recriminations are shunned by others, and, what is worse, they poison their own lives. Sadness is a black smoke that invades the soul and eventually casts its shadow over the entire face. In the end, it even disturbs the proper functioning of the organism and clouds the intelligence.

You will say that good humour and cheerfulness are often a question of temperament, which is difficult to change. This is true, but, by means of thought, by means of love and will-power, you can succeed in doing so.

In order to bring happiness to others, you must first of all fill your own heart with love. Call on love with all your strength, and not only will you be happy, but the happiness you give will return to you magnified.

-Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov

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