Saturday, July 18, 2009

Bliss is mans' inherent Dharma

Every object in the world has got certain unique qualities. The quality that is the vital essence of the object reveals its Dharma. For instance, it is the basic quality of fire to burn - burning is its Dharma. When the fire loses its capacity to burn, it ceases to be fire and becomes mere charcoal. Sweetness is the inherent quality of sugar. A rose flower has the natural quality of exuding fragrance.

In the same manner, for man, the quality of Ananda (bliss) that flows from his heart is his inherent Dharma. But man today, for the sake of external achievements, forgets this inherent nature.

For all, whether they are educated or not, there is one common Dharma: They should extend to others the same honour and regard which they expect others to show towards them so that they may feel happy. We should not do to others anything which if others do to us will cause pain and unhappiness to us.

-Sai Baba
Divine Discourse, March 26, 1988

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