Friday, July 17, 2009

It is precisely this emptiness that attracts fullness

Depending on the circumstances, pride and humility are considered either qualities or faults. What are they really? From the spiritual point of view, you could say pride makes humans poorer, while humility makes them richer. Yes, just look at the attitude of proud people: they puff themselves up and are full of themselves, whereas humble people make themselves empty, and it is precisely this emptiness that attracts fullness. For wherever a vacuum occurs, a force rushes in to fill it.

You have to be humble to attract the Lord, for he cannot visit where the containers are already full: in order for him to enter, you have to have made yourself empty. If you say, 'My God, I am foolish and you are wisdom, I am poor and you are wealth, I am weak and you are strength', you are creating an empty space within yourself, which the Lord will hurry to fill. Whereas, if you boast about your virtues and your abilities, you will never receive a visit from the Lord; he will say to you, 'Well, since you're so pleased with yourself, stay as you are, you don't need me.'

-Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov

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