Saturday, August 08, 2009

You don't have to do anything to heal the body and mind

"The Healer Within"

Actually, you don't have to do anything to heal the body and mind. If you don't interfere, the body and mind will heal themselves.

There is a healer within everybody. We don't have to do anything to get the positive things. When we stop doing the negative things, the good happens by itself.

We disturb and drain the body and mind too much. We waste so much energy-overdoing, oversleeping, overeating, over-talking. That drains you completely, so you lose your immunity.

The mind over-thinks and that leads to anxiety, worry, fear. Learn to relax. That is the yogic way, nature's way. Not to overindulge in anything. That way, you can heal yourself well.

-Swami Satchidananda

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