Monday, November 09, 2009

Ideal democracy

Letters Of Helena Roerich I, 10 October 1934. Of course, such a democracy as you describe, "a democracy, vital and transformed, based on the realization of the responsibility of the individual toward his duties, on which responsibility his rights depend, a democracy consisting of the cooperation of all, together with the maximum of personal initiative for the sake of the General Good" - such a democracy, perhaps, we shall see toward the end of the seventh race (provided our planet will not have been exploded by that time). But now, being merely in the fifth race bordering on the sixth, we can only envision such a democracy in our best dreams.

Thus the great Plato dreamed, and perhaps he is now actualizing it upon some higher planet. However, even such an ideal democracy would have to be led by someone; and such a leader would certainly need to possess spiritual synthesis. But the modern democracy that affirms the leadership which issues from the crowds fails all tests. Is it possible to expect that the consciousness of the majority will regenerate so quickly that everybody will understand at least his social responsibility and give elementary cooperation, to say nothing of the higher aspects of responsibility?

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