Monday, November 09, 2009

One harmless way to make someone love you

Money, presents, violence, spells and magic - none of these methods can force someone to love you. The soul and spirit are the daughter and son of God, and nothing and no one has the power to force them.

Let's suppose that a man or woman, whose love you have tried to win through magic, finally succumbs. It's not really this person's soul that wants you. Your magic has attracted other creatures, who have entered this man or woman to love you through him or her. But be careful, for the creatures you have attracted are not luminous entities (luminous entities do not give in to these kinds of practice) but larvae or elementals. So they will love you perhaps, but their love will devour and drain you to such an extent you will later pay very dearly for the semblance of love you acquired in this way.

There is only one harmless way to make someone love you: never think anything bad about them, and send them only luminous, pure thoughts. Even if you are rebuffed, be patient, endure everything, and do everything you can to help them. If you really are attached to them, you will touch their soul sooner or later, and they will love you.

-Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov

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