Sunday, December 06, 2009

Prayers and blessings before meals

When it reaches our kitchen or table, our food is not really ready to be absorbed by our organism. Yes, even when it's been washed, cooked, seasoned and prepared, the food we eat is still a foreign substance: it doesn't vibrate in unison with us, and we must tame it and make it our friend.

Why do you think I insist so much on your eating in silence, with attention, love and gratitude? Because these states of consciousness act on the food. And that is also the reason, in all religions, for having prayers and blessings before meals. These blessings do not add the slightest nutritional value to the food; they are used only to influence the food, so that it's assimilated well by those who eat it and so that it harmonizes with their own vibrations and nourishes their subtle bodies too.

-Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov

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