Sunday, December 06, 2009

When you correct yourself, the world too becomes correct

Examine your own conduct and faith. See whether it is sincere and steady. When you sit in the moving train, you find that the trees are moving fast along the line. Do not worry about the trees; see yourself. Examine yourself and then you will find that, it is you that is moving fast. So also, do not blame others, and point out their faults. The faults you find are in you, and when you correct yourself, the world too becomes correct.

People try to reform the world without making any effort to reform themselves; for, it is easier to give advice and admonish others than take advice and advance ourselves. The others are fundamentally reflections, whereas the original, namely you yourself have to improve your shape! Strengthen the inner urges towards virtue and goodness; become impregnable there; then you can set about reforming others.

-Sai Baba

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