Monday, January 25, 2010

After death

After death, when human beings have left their physical body, they enter the lower astral plane, where they are subjected to all the injustice and suffering they have inflicted on others. You will say, 'But what if they have done wrong involuntarily without realizing it?' In the eyes of cosmic Intelligence, ignorance is also unacceptable. But the aim of cosmic Intelligence is not revenge, nor even punishment; above all it wants humans to become conscious, and so it makes them experience the suffering they have inflicted on others, so that they can learn, understand and become perfect.

Some creatures cross this lower astral region very quickly, as they have not committed very serious faults; others remain there a long time, suffering. When this stage is over, they enter the higher astral region, where they feel joy and happiness proportionate to the good they have done, for they must also become aware of their good actions. If they have given others courage, hope and light, if they have awakened faith and love, they live these same states."

-Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov

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