Monday, January 25, 2010

Mounam - Silence

It is said, "mounam bhajaswa (pratice silence)". What is mounam (silence)? It does not mean keeping the mouth shut. It means, getting beyond the influence of all the senses and being established always in the consciousness of One's own Reality. When the mind withdraws from the external world, the tongue too becomes silent. All senses follow suit. That is real silence.

Hence, you should learn to observe this world from afar, with an uninterested attitude. Then, you can also escape the wiles of the intellect which breeds doubts, delusions and dualistic diversions, that draws you away from Bliss and Peace. One who has reached that stage will be in highest peace and attain the highest joy.

-Sai Baba
Divine Discourse, Prasanthi Vahini

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