Monday, January 25, 2010

The greatest respect you can give to your Teacher is to assimilate the Teaching

Some people worship the Teacher. It is wrong. They highly respect and love their Teacher, but they forget the Teaching. When you worship the Teacher, you lose the Teaching. You will assimilate the Teaching, actualize the Teaching. You will live the precepts of the Teaching. Your daily labor, daily life must express the Teaching. When you love the Teaching, when you actualize the Teaching, then your Teacher is glorified, not before.

The greatest respect you can give to your Teacher is to assimilate the Teaching. When the Teaching turns into your life, when the Teaching penetrates into your consciousness in such a way that you breathe, inhale, and work in the consciousness of the Teaching, when this is done your Teacher is glorified. When you love the Teaching you have the Teacher and the Teaching.

In many, many groups, on many occasions, for sixty, seventy years I saw that those who worshipped the Teacher lost the Teacher. Those who worship the Teaching and try to live with the Teaching, they gain the Teacher and the Teaching.

-Torkom Saraydarian

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