Thursday, April 15, 2010

Value of the intellect to the detriment of the heart

There are many highly educated people in the world with highly trained intellects, and that's good. But that is not what will save humanity; quite the opposite, for it is not the nature of the intellect to display kindness, patience or generosity. On the contrary, those who have a highly developed intellect often try to deceive others, to control them, exploit and enslave them.

Look at how all these highly gifted intellectuals behave, how often they become critical, scornful and wily. You will say, 'Oh, that's because they are ill-natured.' No, the fault lies with the education they received, which places value on the intellect to the detriment of the heart and so reinforces people's lower nature. They are given weapons without being given the ideal of improving themselves, and then, of course, they use these to satisfy their most basic appetites. When will these 'educators' decide to give people knowledge that will allow them to work on controlling their lower nature?

-Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov

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