Tuesday, April 06, 2010

We think that the enemies of light are so powerful that they are running the whole show

We sometimes think that the enemies of light, the dark forces, and evil are so powerful that they are running the whole show. When this impression is given, it creates inertia, disappointment, and hopelessness in us.

Actually, the contrary is true. It is Divine consciousness, Cosmic consciousness which has ultimate power over everything.

There is a great angelic organization which fights against the dark forces. This organization consists of millions and millions of beings, both on earth and in the heavens. Specifically for our planet, it is very significant that the army of the Forces of Light are under the command of Christ.

As the dark forces try to attack a person, a family, or a nation, angelic forces are ever ready to give help. They come to your assistance once you shift yourself toward their direction and create some kind of contact with the Forces of Light. Knowing about this creates a kind of balance in our consciousness.

-Torkom Saraydarian
Battling Dark Forces, p.51

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