Monday, December 06, 2010

Return to the Source

The real you is a Spark. You descend into the Divine level, then into the Monadic level. You feel that you are something else than the whole. This is why we call it the Monad. You go to the Atmic level. The Atmic level is a level of bliss, total nirvana. You then descend to the Buddhic level. In that level, you know all that is going on everywhere. Next, you descend to the mental level. And when you enter into this level everything is confused. When you go to the astral level, everything is berserk. And when you enter the physical level, you forget everything that you were.

From the physical level, you are going to return toward the Source and consciously conquer, with your own merit, every step of the way. At the lowest level of the physical plane, you are Mr. Potatoes, or Mrs. Eggplant. You are not yourself. This is the state of "lost paradise." We are living as bugs here with our physical food, sex, sleep, and clothing; that is all. We have lost everything that was granted to us. Now our duty is to win by our own merit the higher states of consciousness.

We are going to awaken and discover ourselves. Socrates said, "Know thyself." Buddha said, "Be yourself." And Christ said, "Be perfect." All of these statements mean the same thing. We are going to be REAL. We say:

Lead us, O Lord, from darkness to light,
From the unreal to the Real,
From death to Immortality,
From chaos to Beauty...

From the individual to the Universal,
From the many cycles to the One Life,
From manifestation to Space.

You become Real when you become your Self. In some Eastern Teachings it says that as the Spark started on Its journey into matter, someone gave him "wine and whiskey." When he reached the physical plane, he was totally drunk. He does not know where he is or what he is. This is humanity today. The Sufis go on to say that in order to recover from that unconscious state, man must get rid of the intoxication. He must awaken. We are running and crying and collecting money. We are fooling ourselves. Le us hurry and go back.

When you come back to the Buddhic Plane, you are an Arhat. And on the Atmic Plane or level you are a Master, a liberated Soul, an Avatar.

-Torkom Saraydarian
Avatars, p.282

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