Sunday, December 05, 2010

Vision of the Future

In our education the only thing lacking is vision. There is the spirit of competition, separatism, and self-interest but not vision. Our children are not taught the science of service for humanity. There needs to be a curriculum which inspires the students to work for humanity, to create one humanity, to eliminate all discrimination, and to develop sacrificial will to dedicate themselves for the upliftment of one humanity. This is the failure of education. This means that contemporary education has no foundation. It can give knowledge and information and let it be used against the survival of nations and humanity.

If you do not have a vision you are becoming a failure. Failure means not to have a vision or not to follow your vision.

Vision is a dynamic power that leads you forward.

A vision always evokes from your Real Self an aspiration to sacrifice, to give, to serve, to radiate, and to uplift people. There is no vision if it is not associated with the idea of service.

Vision is an image of yourself projected into the future. It is an active, dynamic image which inspires you and pulls you up and forward on the path for your evolution.

Vision is what you want to be and what you want to do for the service of humanity.

The goal is not to be a doctor but to be a doctor to serve humanity with utmost selflessness and without exploitation. The goal is not to be a lawyer but to be a lawyer who is dedicated to the service of those who are mistreated and exploited. The goal should not be personal interest but the interest of others. If your vision is not beyond your own interests, you do not have a vision.

Is it necessary to have a vision?
I would say that without vision man will slowly descend into apathy, inertia, depression and become suicidal or criminal. If you want to cure such people, give them vision. Give them hope and future. Show them what they can do for others.

-Torkom Saraydarian
Leadership vol1, p.27-33

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