Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Is your creative work bringing more sanity, causing greater healing and cooperation? Is it enlightening the minds of the human race?

Go deeper into your creative experience. Ask yourself if your creative work is a personal satisfaction or psychological release, or a forced labor for material needs. Or is it planned creative action, through which you are trying to cooperate with the Great Nature to achieve its continuous birth, the continuous manifestation of its true Self. Through your creative work are you trying to release the imprisoned seeds caught in glamors, illusions, and maya, to free the hidden beauty in each living form?

Is your creative work bringing more sanity, causing greater healing and cooperation among people and nations? Is it enlightening the minds of the human race?

Is it helping to improve our political, economic, and social conditions; or is your “creative work” an expression of your inner wounds, depressions, obsessions, and a means of satisfying your greed, hatred, fear, and pride?

A creative artist has a compassionate heart – full of wisdom and the spirit of sacrifice. The heart of a true artist is in tune with the hearts of all manifested lives.

-Torkom Saraydarian
The Flame of Beauty, Culture, Love, Joy

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