Saturday, May 04, 2013

Evil entities

How did these evil entities come into being in space? Some people living on this planet are criminals; they stay drunk on alcohol or use drugs day and night. They steal, they kill, they are traitors. They are enemies of human freedom. They are strongly pornographic. When these people die, they are exactly the same as when they were in the human body. It is not the human body that gives them their negative qualities but their emotional and mental bodies that urge them to act this way. Just because the physical body is left behind, does not mean that these people turn into angels. They have the same urges, drives, and appetites as before. But because they no longer have a physical body, they no longer have the vehicle through which they can come and do the same things they were doing before. The only method by which they can fulfill their urges and drives is to possess and obsess people. In this way they use the bodies of other people as the vehicles for their own sensations and pleasures.

This kind of evil is very strong and creates a tremendous amount of pollution. Once such an entity sticks to your aura, it enters like a drill and makes room for itself. The quality and condition of your aura determines where it will locate itself. For example, if the entity is sexually abusive, it will come and enter into your sexual aura, your sacral center, and activate it to such a degree that it becomes impossible for you to control your sex drive. Or, if its intention is to break up your marriage and establish disunity, it will make you impotent or totally reject sex. Both of these extremes are created by the same kind of entity. The dark ones are against normality. If they take your normality away from you, they succeed in their endeavor, because abnormality is against your own progress.

If your heart is acting evilly, it is possible that an evil entity has blocked the heart petals so that divine grace, beauty, and compassion cannot manifest. You become possessive, aggressive, and destructive. You bring destruction around yourself. Now the enemy can do whatever it likes. For example, if the dark forces want war, they enter your brain and make you a war monger. You begin thinking, “We want war! We want to destroy them!” But if you tell the enemy or its agents, “Come, we will take you to the front lines,” they will escape because such entities do not want the ones they possess to die, so that darkness can continue to spread its pollution. It is very tricky. If we could write a book about all the ways and means that the dark forces operate, it would be like an encyclopedia of sicknesses.

-Torkom Saraydarian
Battling Dark Forces

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